Me and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum
My name is David and this little blog is about my love of a small 8 bit computer released in the early 80's by Sir Clive Sinclair. Of course there is not much to add to the wealth of information already on the internet about the history of Sinclair and the Spectrum, there is a wealth of information out there about the inner workings, modifications and a thriving community dedicated to preserving software and publications relating to this wondrous little machine. So this is a more personal blog, recounting my personal memories and experiences relating to the ZX Spectrum.
I started school in the 1970's and moved to senior school in 1979 which made me about 14 when the Spectrum was released in the UK in 1982. With a paper round money and pocket money in my pocket I was part of the generation perfectly positioned to help shape the popularity of the machine.
Sinclair originally intended his machine to be a business computer but kids like me had other ideas. Not only did the spectrum make a great little games machine, it also had a simple to pick up programming language, BASIC... and it wasn't long before children all over the country were running their own programs, writing their own games and of course scrolling swear words the TV screens in Currys!
TDF over for 30 years! Here's something from 2005
Like lots of others I was inspired to write my own programs, more of that later and more about a 30 year dream to make a game as good (in my opinion) as what was been released by the big software houses of the day. So what is T.D.F micro-visions? Whenever I wrote a program on the spectrum I always called my 'software house' Tour De Force micro-visions! or T.D.F micro-visions. Seemed cool at the time!